

Alex is a qualified and accredited by his professional association. He has many years’ experience in providing counselling services that assist individuals, couples and families to maintain or achieve relationship health.

HRS staff are mandatory reporters under the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protections) Act 1998 (for further information please refer to or contact HRS to discuss.

Get in touch today.



Counselling is now more accessible than ever through our end-to-end encrypted Telehealth platform.

Healthy Relationship Solutions e-counselling does not require you to purchase or download apps or specific programs - we send you a link, you click on it, and we’re ready to talk!

Your privacy and security is very important to us, so we utilise Power Diary's Telehealth functionality. This is a peer-to-peer connection and is encrypted end-to-end. Just contact us at Healthy Relationship Solutions and we will guide you through this quick and convenient process.

Reach out today.

counselling wagga
relationship counselling wagga


Alex has relevant tertiary qualifications and many years’ experience in providing counselling services which assist individuals, couples and families to maintain or achieve relationship health.  


  • respect and dignity

  • evidence-based and professionally accountable practice

  • counselling agreement – focus only on what you would like attended to

  • an estimate of the number of sessions required to achieve your desired outcomes

Find out more about our counsellors.

Individual or intrapersonal counselling

My practice experience shows that many of clients struggle to identify specifically what they would like to address in counselling. Most, however, feel that something is out of balance in their life.

Contact with an HRS counsellor will: 

  • assist you to identify specific psychological distress 

  • provide clarity regarding your intrapersonal concerns

  • design, with your input, a plan of action to address your concerns​​

Some common reasons clients sought counselling with HRS include:​​

  • ​workplace matters, such as development of leadership skills, workload or workplace stress or career change

  • understanding and managing anger responses

  • grief and loss, including as a result of relationship breakdown

  • parenting teens

  • overcoming discrimination

  • to discuss their personal relationship concerns

  • confidence and self-esteem concerns

  • low mood, helplessness and powerlessness​

Reach out for a private and confidential chat today.

family counselling wagga

Counselling for relationship intimacy and desire discrepancy

Play, intimacy and sex are normal aspects of adult relationships which are rarely discussed between partners.  HRS clients are assisted to explore and communicate their expectations, and to develop and maintain mutually beneficial and respectful interactions with their partner.

Find out more.

relationship counselling wagga

Family and relationship counselling

Family and relationship counselling is available to: 

  • couples who would like a relationship check-up

  • those navigating transitional periods such as becoming parents or parenting adolescents

  • couples and families experiencing tension or discord

What you can expect:

  • clarity about your relationship vision, and how to communicate and operationalise this

  • establish what each of you want from your relationship, and how to conjointly achieve a relationship plan

  • evaluate your individual contribution to the relationship, and the expectations you have of the other(s)

  • non-judgemental service

Get in touch.

Counselling for separating/divorcing couples

HRS counsellors can assist you navigate this period of heightened emotions.

This may include understanding and dealing with:​

  • grief and loss

  • developing a plan or “rules” to guide the period of time until the physical separation takes place

  • developing a plan for post-separation parenting

  • learning to be single again​

Where required, HRS counsellors will assist with referrals to child hand-over services and provide you with information about network communities which provide mutual support.

Find out more today.